After installing tile and grout, maintaining it is truly a challenging task. You will not feel it in the first few days or weeks, but later on, you will see how the tile grout surface can change its appearance. This is due to the stains, dirt, molds, and other build-ups that can be home to germs and bacteria, hence harmful to the family. The key then is understanding that you should not treat tile grout surfaces as the same as any other surface in your home. Properly doing a tile and grout cleaning is then essential in making sure that you have a healthy home. As we know, this is not an easy task. And what makes it even more challenging is knowing that much wrong information is out there to mislead us. Here are some myths or misconceptions and facts that you should know about your tile cleaning and grout cleaning needs. Myth 1: The best way to clean tile grout surface is by using a wire brush to remove dirt and stainsWrong! Instead of cleaning these areas, you are only causing damage to the grout. It’s true that dirt build-up on this narrow surface can be reached well by the brush but it could cause more problems than help you. When the grout surface is damaged and pieces of it are removed, dirt can have more space to stay on. This also threatens the proper bonding of your tiles with the base concrete. Myth 2: Mopping the floor tiles and grout is enough.Mopping the tile surfaces is good but it is not enough to ensure that this area is kept clean. Simply, it cannot sufficiently remove the stubborn stains and dirt that settle deep into the porous nature of the grout as time goes by. In short, you can do it daily, but you should not stop there. Grout cleaning requires more than just mopping the floor. Myth 3: Using bleach to remove stubborn dirt on the tile grout surfacesAdmittedly, bleach is a powerful cleaning solution. However, it is not ideal for tile and grout cleaning. This is because bleach can cause grout to gradually break apart, weaken, and deteriorate. Moreover, it can ruin the gloss and shine of tile surfaces. Myth 4: Acids are the best way to clean grout surfacesJust like bleach, acids are known to be powerful cleaning solutions. However, note that they are too powerful that with only a few applications, they can cause grout erosion. These acids can break apart and even dissolve the grout surfaces which defeats your purpose of only cleaning them. Myth 5: Regular household cleaners, such as dish soap, work just fine for cleaning tile groutEarlier we mentioned the strong cleaning solutions that are a no-no to tile cleaning and grout cleaning. Now, the problem with about every type of dish soap on the market is that they are viscous. This means that it is not easy to rinse them away, which then adds to build-up later on as their residue sticks on the grout. The Orlando Tile and Grout Cleaners’ solution!If practically all you the options you have are debunked here, it is time to accept that it is best to leave this task to the experts to avoid further problems. The professional tile cleaning and grout cleaning services of Orlando Tile and Grout Cleaners are second to none!
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